Putting it all together
in our previous sections we have talked about AlphNumeric and Numeric variable types. In this section we are going to see how we can put all of these concepts together to output some really great thing while picking up some interesting new concepts along the way.
The Video
The Assignment
Where do the numbers go?
Copy and paste the following block of PsuedoCode into Visual Studios.
1. Create variables for every line of PsuedoCode that needs one.
2. For other lines of PsuedoCode Print out what is contained in those variables to the console.
3. Use Concatenation to output correct lines of text to the Console, when needed.
4. Screen shot your code (including your name block) and your Console results
5. Turn both Screenshots into google Classroom
Copy and paste the following block of PsuedoCode into Visual Studios.
1. Create variables for every line of PsuedoCode that needs one.
2. For other lines of PsuedoCode Print out what is contained in those variables to the console.
3. Use Concatenation to output correct lines of text to the Console, when needed.
4. Screen shot your code (including your name block) and your Console results
5. Turn both Screenshots into google Classroom