Harrison Vaughn
So many times in life special people come along. You never really know exactly how much they mean to you until they aren't there anymore. When they are no longer there, the gaping hole that is left can, at times, be absolutely unbearable and crushing. It is with absolute longing that I set aside this small area of my page to celebrate the life, that my extremely good friend Harrison Vaughn, shared with me. This world is a smaller place without him.
My friend died way to young and with way too much life ahead of him. You could always count on the little man to brighten up your day!!!
I was talking to his friend Archer one day and was asking him how the guy's made out the night before at the Homecoming dance. I was honestly particularly concerned about Harrison. That kid was ALL BOY, and extremely attracted to the finest ladies at Berkner. When I finally got to asking Archer how Harrison did.... He exclaimed "Let me tell you about Harrison", "We couldn't find him at one moment, he was just gone. TC and I started looking around trying to make sure that he was alright. We found him in the middle of the dance floor with 3 of the prettiest girls at Berkner dancing around him!!!"
Another Time....
He came to my room ecstatic beyond all imagining... He Exclaimed "Bishop...... Guess what happened over the weekend." I said "What", He bolted "I got a Girlfriend!!!!" I said to him "Man that's amazing", "Congratulations!!!" He then leaned in towards me and said "So what do I do now..................."
He had this look on his face like a puppy that actually caught the car...
I loved telling everybody that the one thing that I loved about Harrison the most was that; he rocked the chair he didn't let the chair Rock him. Here he is dancing to "I'm Too Sexy". He then realizes that I am videoing him....
HalloweenMy absolute favorite funniest memory was the day he came into my room after Halloween. My wife and I built him a costume to go around his Wheelchair for the Holiday. He came bursting into the room saying "Mr. B, You should have seen this Indian guy last night as we were going around getting Halloween candy... I rolled up in my airplane and he said..." "Oh My Freaking god You Look So Amazing"
Well I knew after that we had to take his outfit one step further!!!
So I decided that he needed to be the Terminator. My good friend Mr. Watkins, and devised a costume better than any others. Watkins, Archer, My wife, and I went ahead full steam and began to turn him into a Terminator T-1
Harrison testing the rig Me messing around
Here is the frame
My friend you are SOOO missed!!!!
Harrison died tragically one day surrounded by Family
Here we all are at his funeral ready to carry out his casket.
The world is just not as shiny and beautiful without my buddy Harrison.
I got to speak at his funeral and be a pall bearer
The world is just not as shiny and beautiful without my buddy Harrison.
I got to speak at his funeral and be a pall bearer

Gone but not forgotten
Here are the movies he made in my class!!!
This is the film he and his partners made as a Beginning student