Leap Year
In this assignment we are going to be delving into some deeper code. We are are going to begin using one of the most depended upon statements on the the language. This statement is the "If - Else" statement. It is absolutely vital that we learn this statement because this one group of commands allows the program and computer to test information and function as a decision making device.
So the basic premise to the "If - Else" statement is really simple. In a program we are going to test to see "If" something is true. "If" it is then we will run a serious of commands. "If" it is not true then we run a different set of commands. The other commands are housed inside of an "Else" statement. So once again "If" something is a specific way, run these lines of code; "Else" run these lines of code.
To all of this mix we also throw into the equation the "Else If".... The "Else If" allows the programs to run a series of tests. Once again the basic logic is really simple. "If" this condition is true then run a group of lines of code, "Else If" a different condition is true then run this series of code, we can run as many "Else If"s as we want but we always finish it up with "Else" run this last set of code...
Clear as mud???
Lets get into the code...
So the basic premise to the "If - Else" statement is really simple. In a program we are going to test to see "If" something is true. "If" it is then we will run a serious of commands. "If" it is not true then we run a different set of commands. The other commands are housed inside of an "Else" statement. So once again "If" something is a specific way, run these lines of code; "Else" run these lines of code.
To all of this mix we also throw into the equation the "Else If".... The "Else If" allows the programs to run a series of tests. Once again the basic logic is really simple. "If" this condition is true then run a group of lines of code, "Else If" a different condition is true then run this series of code, we can run as many "Else If"s as we want but we always finish it up with "Else" run this last set of code...
Clear as mud???
Lets get into the code...
For this assignment you are going to need to test a number to see if it is leap year or not. We can do this mathematically and to do so is really quite simple. Here are you statements that will determine whether or not the number could be a leap year...
As you surely know, due to some astronomical reason, a year may be leap or common. The leap year is 366 days long while the coomon is 365 days. Since the introduction of the Gregorian calendar (in 1582), the following rule is used to determine the kind of year:
if the year number isn't divisible by 4, it is a common year;
otherwise, if the year number isn't divisible by 100, it is a leap year;
otherwise, if the year number isn't divisible by 400, it is a common year;
otherwise, it is a leap year.
As you surely know, due to some astronomical reason, a year may be leap or common. The leap year is 366 days long while the coomon is 365 days. Since the introduction of the Gregorian calendar (in 1582), the following rule is used to determine the kind of year:
if the year number isn't divisible by 4, it is a common year;
otherwise, if the year number isn't divisible by 100, it is a leap year;
otherwise, if the year number isn't divisible by 400, it is a common year;
otherwise, it is a leap year.
The Code
There is NO sample code for you to start off with. I want you to get used to typing in the code for yourself and remembering exactly what goes into making the program and what does not.
In all future videos I will not be doing the assignment, Doing so would just handicap you as a programmer. It is my goal and objective to help you be the best programmer that you can be so I will spend my time in Videos doing something similar to the assignment and then allowing you to actually figure out the actual program for yourself.